My Big Vegetable Garden - 20 Vegetable Seed Variety Pack

Regular price $29.99

Variety pack of 20 heirloom vegetables. Beans, beets ,cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, corn, cucumber, kale, leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, peas, peppers, pumpkin, radish, spinach, acorn squash, cherry tomato, scotia tomato, zucchini.

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Enough varieties are for a moderate to large sized garden. Enough seeds to plant at least a 12-14’ (4m) row of every variety plus enough for a second planting of many varieties. Our moisture proof packaging makes this a great option of survival gardens, preppers, and homesteaders. Selected for our short growing season and Canadian climate. Open-pollinated, non-hybrid, non-GMO.

  • Beans – Provider

    Bush bean, green bean. Productive, tolerant of poor soil.

    Starting: Sow outdoors in spring 2-5cm (1-2”) deep/apart. Row spacing 30-45cm (12-18”) apart. For a constant supply all season long, plant every 2 weeks until 8 weeks before final frost. Plant in well-drained soil in full sun.

    Growing: Germination in 6-14 days. Thin to 10-15cm (4-6”) apart when seedlings are 10cm (4”) high.

    Harvesting: Maturity in 51-55 days, height 45cm (18”). Pods are ready to pick when they snap easily. Regular picking will encourage more production.

    Seed Saving: Allow the pods to dry on the still-growing plant until the bean seeds rattle loosely inside the pods. Pick pods and let dry inside for another 1-2 weeks. Remove the seeds from the pods and store in a cool, dry location.

    Companion Planting: carrots, cabbage, celery, kale, tomatoes, lettuce, peas, cauliflower, parsley, spinach, and savory

  • Carrots – Scarlet Nantes

    Typical orange carrot. Can be used raw, bunched, or stored. Great for juicing.

    Starting: Sow directly in early spring. Sow 0.5-1.5cm (0.25-0.5”) deep and 5-7cm (2-3”) apart. Row spacing 30-35cm (12-14”). After seedling, firm the soil. Keep the soil moist until the seeds sprout. Requires full, direct sun and loose, well-draining soil. Germination period 8-10 days. Sow every 3-6 weeks for continuous harvest.

    Growing: Thin to one every 2-3 cm (0.7-1”) when seedlings reach a height of 8cm (3”). The further apart, the larger the carrot will grow. Keep soil moist and hydrated. Remove any weeds to give space to young carrots.

    Harvesting: Mature when tops are approx 45-55cm (18-22”). Gather carrots when they get bright orange in color. Can be harvested in any size. Matures in 60-70 days. Hydrate the soil and loosen it to take the carrots out easier. To keep carrots for winter, twist the tops off but don’t wash them; keep them in sawdust or sand, under cool temperature over winter. You can also leave outdoors, mulch to protect them from frost and pick as desired throughout winter.

    Seed Saving: Carrots are biennials and they flower in their second year. Wait for the flowers to appear and let the flowerheads dry. Remove dried flower heads and let them dry out some more. Keep seeds in a dry and cool place.

    Companion Planting: Plant with: Onions, peas, lettuce, leek, rosemary, chives, and radish. Don’t Plant with: Dill parsnip, potato, celery.

  • Cucumber - Space Master

    Bush, dwarf cucumber with a juicy and sweet taste. Dark green, with smooth skin. High tolerance towards diseases such as a mosaic virus. Can grow many in small space. Does well in hanging baskets and containers. Great for pickling small fruit. Delicious addition to salads.

    Starting: Sow early spring outdoors 1.3cm (0.5”) 45-60cm (15-24”) apart. Start seeds in early spring approximately 3 to 4 weeks after the last frost. Row spacing 240cm (48”) Germination in 8-10 days. Likes well-draining soil and full, direct sun. For indoor starting, sow 3 seeds per 2cm (1”).

    Growing: If planted in the container, thin to the strongest plant per pot. Keep the soil evenly moist and water often. Do not get the foliage wet. Remove shriveled and undeveloped fruit. Can be trained on the trellis (optional) and hanging baskets (in which will grow downwards).

    Harvesting: Mature in 60 days. Produces cucumbers with a length of 20cm. (8”) Plant every 2 to 3 weeks for continuous harvest. Make sure to stop planting 3 months prior to the fall frost. For a high amount of production, keep the plant well-picked regularly. Pinch off the flowers about one month before the fall frost to help the remaining fruits grow.

    Seed Saving: Let cucumbers grow and mature. You know it is ready when the skin gets brownish-yellow color. Remove the fruit from the vines and keep it in a cool and dry place for up to a week. Cut cucumbers and remove seeds. Add water. Keep in the shade for 24 to 36 hours. Stir two times a day and let it ferment. Remove the hollow seeds and unwanted debris and take the good seeds out of the water. Dry them for two weeks. Cucumber seeds can be stored in a cool and dry place for up to 8 years.

    Companion Planting: Plant with: Asparagus, celery, corn, onion, radish, and beans. Don’t plant with: cabbage, kale, melons, sage, potato, or fennel.

  • Kale - Dwarf Green Curled (Blue Vates)

    Compact kale with curly shape and greenish-blue leaves. Does well in cool temperatures. Can withstand poor soil and wind. Rich in vitamin A. Low maintenance, can be grown in any environment.

    Starting: Start seeds outdoors in May or April. Also sow in late summer for fall harvest. Sow thickly 1.25 (0.5”) deep and 15-30cm (6-12”) apart. To start indoors, sow 1 month before the last frost in spring and transplant once the threat of frost is passed. Row spacing 30-45cm (12-18”). Germination 5 to 8 days.

    Growing: Likes well-draining soil and full direct and indirect sunlight. If in a container, thin to the strongest plant. Provide consistent moisture. When dry, the flavor and foliage quality is low.

    Harvesting: Growth 30-45cm (12-18”) tall. Mature in 30-60 days. Cut or pick leaves from the bottom when the leaves become 5-8cm (2-3”) tall or large enough for salads. Kale regrows its leaves. An entire plant can be harvested by cutting it one inch from ground level.

    Seed Saving: Kale has to be overwintered in order to produce seeds. It can withstand cold very well. Flowers will appear in the spring that will mature and develop pods. Once pods turn brown, it’s time to cut them off and dry them. Additionally, people also pull the whole plant from the soil, hang it upside down, and let it dry. Remove seeds from dried pods.

    Companion Planting: Plant with: chamomile, mint, sage, and rosemary. Don’t plant with: Peppers, potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes.

  • Lettuce - Black Seeded Simpson

    Light-green, slightly crumpled leaf-lettuce with a delicate and tender flavor. Easily adaptable to a wide range of environments. Can withstand drought, heat, and frost.

    Starting: Sow seeds directly when the soil can be worked in early spring 0-0.5cm (0- 0.25”) deep and 10-15cm (4-6”) apart. Also sow in the late summer for fall harvest. Likes rich soil and direct, full, or partial sunlight. At first, plant seeds in rows 30-45cm (12-18”) apart. For continuous harvest, plant seeds every 2 weeks. Germination takes 7 to 14 days.

    Growing: Once the seeds start to grow 2.5-5cm (1-2”) high, thin them to one per every 15-20cm (6-8”). Keep the plant moist and hydrated so it can develop sweet and tender leaves. Control weeds.

    Harvesting: Mature in 45 days when reaching height of 15-18cm (6-7”). For the best results, harvest in the morning. These heirlooms regrow after the leaves are cut. Leaves can be gathered throughout the season. When the middle stem of the plant grows high, the lettuce is no longer good because the leaves turn bitter.

    Seed Saving: In the late summer, lettuce will produce stalks and flowers. They will mature, become brown, and split open. Remove the entire plant and hang upside down. Once dried, remove seeds by shaking the pods or crushing them. Separate good seeds.

    Companion Planting: Plant with: Onion, cucumber, carrot, and chives.

    Don’t plant with Cabbage, kale, broccoli, or cauliflower.

  • Pumpkin - Connecticut Field

    Perfect for baking and carving. Old and popular pumpkin species. Edible seeds. Uniform shape and flat base. Deep orange color fruit that can be 9-10kg (20-25lbs) heavy and 38cm (15”) in diameter.

    Starting: Start indoors 4 weeks before final spring frost. Plant 2 seeds per one pot for an easier transplant. For direct sow outdoors, plant seeds one week after the last spring frost 2.5cm (1”) deep. Row spacing 122-183cm (48-72”). Likes very rich, well-draining soil. Likes full direct sunlight. Germination 7 to 10 days.

    Growing: Thin to the strongest seedling per pot or thin to 2.4-3(8-10') apart. Transplant only after risk of frost has passed. Keep soil evenly hydrated but don’t get water on the leaves. In mid/late summer, remove remaining blossoms so fruit will develop better.

    Harvesting: Mature in 120 days. Spreads across 2 meters (6'). Harvest when stems are dry. Mature fruit has very hard skin. Harvest before the fall frost. Cut stem with knife and leave 5-8cm (2-3”) of stem on the pumpkin. Place then picked pumpkin in sun, in dry a location until the leftover stem shrivels.

    Seed Saving: Pick a mature pumpkin, cut it open and remove the seeds. Rinse seeds with water and remove pulp. Place seeds in water and save only the ones that sink to the bottom. Remove from water and let dry for 2 to 3 weeks.

    Companion Planting: Plant with: corn, mint, pole beans, sunflower.

    Don’t plant with: potatoes, kohlrabi, kale, brussel sprout.

  • Peppers - California Wonder Peppers

    Typical green/red bell pepper. Crunchy and crispy with juicy flesh and well-formed fruit. Mild and sweet flavor. Great for any recipes and especially stuffed peppers. Can be grown in an open field, garden, or greenhouse. High resistance towards tobacco mosaic virus.

    Starting: Sow indoors in early spring 8-10 weeks before final spring frost. Seed depth 0.05-1cm (0.25-0.5”). Germination takes 7 to 21 days. When transplanting outside, keep 30-45cm (12-18”) between plants and rows 50-50cm (20-24”) apart. Likes well-draining fertile soil. Full sun.

    Growing: Transplant seeds that are started indoors in In June, once the weather gets warm. Can be grown in containers too. Remove unwanted weeds. Keep the soil evenly moist and hydrated.

    Harvesting: Mature in 75 days. The plant grows 50-60cm (20-24”) high. The longer peppers mature, the sweeter the taste is and the content of vitamin C is higher. Early picking will cause the plant to produce more. Once fruit grows large and firm, it is ready for harvest. Can be picked green, but if left for longer period of time and under direct sun, turns red.

    Seed Saving: Keep in mind that peppers will cross-pollinate with other varieties of pepper, so isolation or caging may be necessary to preserve genetic purity if growing more than one type of pepper. Allow the pepper to fully mature then cut it open and remove the pepper seeds. Spread out the seeds to dry for about two weeks. Store the seeds in a cool, dry place

    Companion Planting: Plant with: basil, carrots, asparagus, eggplant, and oregano.

    Don’t plant with: brassicas, fennel, or beans.

  • Spinach - Bloomsdale Longstanding

    Fast-growing spinach variety. Large, dark green leaves full of juicy flavor. Leaves can be used in salads or in cooking. Resistant to blue mold and blight.

    Starting: Plant as soon as the soil becomes workable in spring. Sow directly an thickly 2.5-4cm (0.5”) with row spacing of 30-45cm (12-18”). For continuous harvest, plant every 3 weeks before the hot weather hits. Likes indirect sun, or shade. Well-draining, light soil. For fall harvest, plant in late summer. Germination takes 5 to 9 days.

    Growing: Thin to 15cm (6”) when the seedlings reach the height of 2-5cm (1-2”). Keep plants evenly moist but not too wet. Remove the weeds. If too hot, cover the plant.

    Harvesting: Mature in 42 days. Height 20cm (8”). Remove leaves when they are large enough to be eaten. Pick the large leaves first, this way, new leaves will keep growing. Can also harvest entire plant by removing it at ground level.

    Seed Saving: To avoid cross-pollination, plant spinach far from other varieties.. After leaves turn yellow and seed pods mature, remove them from the stem. Use gloves, the pods may be prickly. Let the pods dry out some more. The seeds can be removed from the pod or planted with it. Keep the spinach seeds in a dry and cool place.

    Companion Planting: Plant with: Beans, peas, cabbage, chard, and onion.

    Don’t plant with: potato, melon, corn, or sunflower.

  • Tomato - Scotia

    Crop Failure notice: supply limited due to crop failure, may be substituted with Roma Tomato.

    Sturdy dwarf tomatoes from Nova Scotia. Light red color with greenish hints on top. Known for making green tomato relish. Matures early. Globe-shaped medium size fruits. Ideal for both small gardens and commercial growth.

    Starting: Start indoors in March or April, 6-8 weeks prior to the last spring frost date. Sow 3 seeds in a 2.5X2.5(1X1”) pot. Germination takes 5-10 days. Thin to one plant after germination. Place in bright sunlight. Once they develop 2 sets of leaves, transplant them into the larger pots. After the frost is totally gone, transplant outside 60cm (24”) apart. Row spacing 90-120cm (36-48”). Harden off before transplanting. Likes well-drained soil, highly fertile, and full, direct sun.

    Growing: Keep evenly hydrated. Do not require a trellis. Yet, stakes can help to keep them growing upright. Feed with well-balanced fertilizer or compost tea.

    Harvesting: Matures in 95 days. Average height 90-120cm (36-48”). Harvest when they turn vivid red. Harvest soon or it can overripe. Harvest all fruit before the frost. If stem is too attached, then cut with scissors.

    Seed Saving: Pick mature tomatoes and cut them open. Take out the seeds and pulp. Let it stay out for several days until the mold is formed. Wash the seeds and let them dry out for 7 days in the shade. Once completely dry, keep the seeds in a dry and cool place for up to 4 years.

    Companion Planting: Plant with: carrots, celery, basil, and beans.

    Don’t plant with: Cabbage, Cauliflower, Kale, or Corn.

  • Zucchini -Black Beauty

    Summer squash. Productive and popular variety. Bush, Semi-upright plant. Dark green fruit, glossy. Creamy white flesh and tender texture. High quality and easy to grow.

    Starting: Sow directly or start indoors. Start indoors 4 weeks before last spring frost. Start 3 seeds in per spot. Germination in 7-10 days. Sow at a depth of 2.5cm (1”). Likes full direct sun and rich, well-draining soil. Row spacing 2m (6’).

    Growing: Thin to the strongest plant per pot if using containers. Thin directly sown seedlings to 1m (3' ) apart. Transplant one week after the last frost if started indoors. Keep moist, and water evenly. Avoid getting water on leaves.

    Harvesting: Once the fruit reaches 10-12cm in length, it is time for harvest. Typically, the plant has to be picked every 2 days. Regular picking will help plants to produce regularly. When developed fully, fruits have a hard skin.

    Seed Saving: Seeds can be taken from any mature zucchini. Remove zucchini and take out the seeds and pulp. Separate seeds by putting them in the water. Pick out seeds that sink and let them dry for 2-3 weeks. Stir occasionally.

    Companion Planting: Plant with: beans, peas, radish corn, and pumpkin.

    Don’t plant with: potatoes, melons, or beets.

  • Beets - Detroit Dark Red

    Globular beet that has a deep-sweet flavor and is dark red. Sweeter than other beet species. Generally, bug-free and mildew resistant. Can be canned, frozen, pickled, or consumed fresh. If harvested early, leaves can be used in salads and make tasty greens.

    Starting: Sow the seeds directly in early spring, as soon as soil can be worked, 1cm (1/2”) deep and 5-10cm (2-4”) apart. Preferred row spacing is 30-45cm (12-18”). For continuous harvest, plant every two weeks until late June. Well-draining soil and full direct or partial sun is required. Days to germination 5-15.

    Growing: Keep well-watered. Thin to every 7-15cm (3-6”) when the seedlings reach a height of 5cm (2”). Uprooted plants can be used as a second crop by transplanting, or eaten directly in a salad.

    Harvesting: Mature in 65 days. Can reach a height of 38cm (15”). Harvest when the bulb size reaches 3-7cm( 1-3”) in diameter. Pull out or dig beets when it reaches full size. To avoid bleeding, twist the tops off 3cm (1”) from the stem, and remove the skin after cooking. Tops can be picked and eaten any time, be sure to leave at least 3 large leaves to the bulb can continue to grow.

    Seed Saving: Leave beets in the ground and wait for the seed heads to grow, letting them dry out before picking. When they turn brown color, remove the seed spikes and dry them for additional 2 weeks. Separate out the dried seeds and store them in a dry, cool place.

    Companion Planting: Plant with: cauliflower, radish, onion, lettuce, kohlrabi, chard, and cabbage. Don’t plant with: mustard, and charlock.

  • Cabbage - Copenhagen Market

    Large, solid, round-headed cabbage. Great for summer harvest. Rich flavor and beautiful uniformity. Can be stored. Use to make very delicious coleslaw!

    Starting: Sow indoors, 2 or 4 seeds in per pot, 1.2cm (0.5”) deep, and 5cm (2”) apart. Does well in both fertile and neutral soil. Thrives when planted in full direct sun. If planning to overwinter cabbage, sow it outdoors in July. Germination time 7-10 days.

    Growing: Transplant seeds 2 weeks after the last expected frost. Thin to the one strongest plant per pot. When transplanting, recommended space between seedlings is 45-60cm (18-24”). Row spacing 60-90cm. (24-36”) When transplanting, the stem can also be buried up to halfway. Cover vulnerable seedlings if the temperature drops rapidly. Make sure to maintain moisture levels. By giving plants constant and even hydration, cabbage splitting can be avoided.

    Harvesting: Maturity in 63-100 days. Ready for harvest when the heads are firm. If not picked on time the heads will split. Splitting can also happen when overwatered and overfertilized. Average Head diameter 15-20cm (6-8”).

    Seed Saving: Keep the cabbage plant overwinter but make sure that it won’t get affected by the frost. If the cabbage heads are still hard and firm in the spring, then you can make the cut on top so the stems can come up through easier. The size of the stem is typically 1.2-1.5(4-5') tall. The stem will produce blooms in yellow color. Once the flowers mature and the seed pods finish forming, remove the pods carefully and let them dry. Once dried remove the seeds and keep them in a cool, dry place.

    Companion Planting: Plant with: potatoes, dill, mint, chamomile, sage, and rosemary.

    Don’t plant with: peppermint, eggplant, potato, tomato, and peppers.

  • Cauliflower - Early Snowball

    Pure white cauliflower with green, vigorous self-wrapped leaves that protect it from frost. The white heads can grow 17cm (7") in diameter. Smooth, delicious, and crunchy head can be used fresh, cooked, or frozen.

    Starting: Sow indoors in April or May, for fall harvest (preferred), or sow directly in late spring. Sow seeds 5-6mm (0.23") deep and place 3 to 4 seeds close to each other. Well-draining soil and full sun are required. Germination period 8-10 days. Transplant 45-60cm (18-24") apart. Row spacing 60cm (24")

    Growing: Thin to one seedling per pot before transplanting. Keep thinned seedlings 30-60cm (10-25") apart. Maintain even moisture levels and keep it hydrated.

    Harvesting: Mature in 65-70 days. As soon as the florets start separating, it is time for harvest. Cut the cauliflower head at the base with a sharp knife, including a few leaves.

    Seed Saving: Remove the cauliflower from the soil in winter and keep it in the sand or sawdust. Replant in the spring. Wait for it to bloom and for seeds to form. When pods get dry and brown, remove them and let them dry some more. Remove the seeds from the pods and keep them dry in a cool place.

    Companion Planting: Plant with: celery, broccoli, beets, and spinach.

    Don’t plant with: tomato, pepper, corn, or strawberry.

  • Celery - Utah 52-70

    Widely adapted celery with smooth, crispy, and tender dark green stalks. Strong roots, well-developed heart. Has high disease tolerance.

    Starting: Sow seeds indoors 0.6-1.2cm (0.25-0.5”) deep and 2.5cm(1”) apart 10 weeks before the last spring frost date. Germination takes 7-21 days. Plant in well-draining, rich and nutritious soil. Likes full indirect sun when indoors. Full bright sun after transplanting.

    Growing: Put 3 seedlings per pot. Thin to strong plant when the plant reaches 5cm (2”). Once reaching 15cm (6”) in length, move into the garden. Do not transplant until the 1st of June. Even slight frost can bring serious damage to celery. Transplant seedlings 15-20cm (6-8”) apart. Row spacing 60-90cm (2-3'). The soil has to be the same in the garden as it was in the pot.

    Harvesting: Mature in 90-100 days. Water generously the day before harvesting. Stalks that are located outside the celery plant can be harvested anytime. Yet, the whole plant should be harvested once it grows fully. Don’t remove the plant entirely, so the roots stay intact and the celery plant has a chance of overwintering. Grows 22-25cm (9-10”) tall.

    Seed Saving: Take out the celery from the ground and wrap up the roots so they won’t be affected by frost during winter. Cover roots with light dirt and keep moist. Replant in the spring and remove damaged foliage. The plant will flower in the spring and make seed heads. Let the heads mature and dry on the plant. Then remove and leave to fully dry indoors. Remove seeds and keep them in a dry and cool place.

    Companion Planting: Plant with: Leeks, onion, spinach, tomatoes, and beans.

    Don’t plant with: Carrots, turnips, parsnips, or parsley.

  • Corn – Golden Bantam

    At least there’s one! A corn variety that grows in our cold climate is rare. Corn that is open-pollinated and heirloom, also rare. But Golden Bantam checks all the boxes, making it perfect for everything from backyard gardening to prepping.

    Starting: Corn likes warm soil, so wait until late spring/early summer when your soil is at least 18Β°C (65Β°F). If not, the seeds will likely rot in the ground before sprouting. Plant direct or start indoors. Choose a sunny location and sow seeds 2-5cm (1-2β€³) deep and 7.5cm (3β€³) apart, in rows 60-90cm (24-36β€³) apart. Germination in 7-10 days. Corn can be tricky to get going, so if you don’t see seedling within 12 days, re-plant. Corn is wind pollinated, so plant in a block or a grid instead of single rows.

    Growing: Thin seedlings to 20-25cm (8-10β€³) apart. Corn is heavy feeder and benefits from being fertilized. Water generously. Plants grow 1.5-2m (5') tall with 12-18cm (5-7") cobs.

    Harvesting: Corn is ripe when juice from the kernels is milky white, the silk on the ears has turned dark brown, and the ears are firm. It’s not ready when the juice of the kernel is still watery and overripe when the kernels get chewy and starchy. Cook right away, or store it in the refrigerator. To store corn, keep corn in the husk and place in the refrigerator uncovered for 1 or 2 days. Corn stored for more than 2 days loses its sweetness.

    Seed Saving: Leave some ears to fully mature on the plant. Pick when the whole husk is brown. Open the husks slightly but don’t remove them. Then hang them in bunches in a dry place for a few/several more weeks until the seeds are completely dry and easy to remove.

    Companion Planting: Plant with: Beans, Cloves, Sunflower, pumpkin, Dill, Basil, and Peas. Don’t plant with: Cabbage, Broccoli, Kale, or tomato.

  • Lettuce -Paris Island Romaine

    Flavourful and crispy lettuce. Emerald-green crispy leaves with a white heart. Uniformly shaped salad heads make the perfect Caesar salad ingredient. Resistant to diseases such as mosaic virus, tip burn, and bolting.

    Starting: Sow outdoors in April/May 0.3cm (0.125”) deep and 15cm (6”) apart. Row spacing 45cm (18”). Can be sown directly or started indoors. Germination in 7 to 10 days. Start in well-draining soil and under full direct sun. For continuous harvest, sow every 2-3 weeks.

    Growing: Keep the soil moisture level even all the time. Thin to 10cm (12”) apart. Control and remove weeds around the plant.

    Harvesting: Height when mature is 30cm (12”). Average maturity is 72-75 days. When the lettuce is mature, pick either individual leaves or whole heads. Leaves can be gathered all season long. New leaves will grow from the main stem. Harvest in the morning for the crispy and juicy leaves.

    Seed Saving: At the end of the season, a stalk will grow from the centre of the plant. Stalks produce pods and flowers. Let them mature, dry out, and turn brown. The pods will split open by themselves. Remove seeds slowly by shaking the pot in the bag every day. Or, you can cut off the whole flower head and let it dry by hanging it upside down. After drying, shake and remove the seeds.

    Companion Planting: Plant with: Beets, carrot, celery, dill, garlic, and onion.

    Don’t plant with Cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, or kale.

  • Peas -Sugar Snap

    A snap pea that can be eaten pod and all. This pole pea is tender, sweet, with crispy thick pods. Easy to grow, low-maintenance heirloom with climbing vines. Great for early sowing. Can be eaten raw, cooked, or frozen.

    Starting: Likes cool weather. Plant as soon as soil can be worked, approximately 4 weeks before the last spring frost date. Sow seeds 2.5-4cm (1-1.5”) deep and 5-7.5cm (2-3”) apart outdoors. Leave 30-45cm (12-18”) between rows. For fall harvest, sow again at the end of July. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Likes full direct sun and well-draining soil.

    Growing: Thinning is not required. Once vines start to grow, support them with a trellis. This variety is a climber and requires trellis 150-170cm (60-70”) tall. Keep the soil moist but not wet. Once the peas flowers appear, increase watering. Can tolerate wilt.

    Harvesting: Mature at 62-70 days. Pods grow 7.5cm (3” ) long. Can be harvested before reaching maturity at desired stage. Ready once the peas have filled out the pod and pods are swollen.

    Seed Saving: Let pods mature all the way. Once they turn brown and a little crispy, remove the entire plant or pick individually. Let the pods dry out 1-2 week more. Remove peas.

    Companion Planting: Plant with: Cucumber, eggplant, spinach, and turnips.

    Don’t plant with: Onion, garlic, scallions, or shallots.

  • Squash - Table Queen Acorn

    Bush-type acorn-shaped squash with a long history. Dark green color and fruit that grows 15cm(6”) in diameter. Average weight 0.6kg (1.5lbs). Very productive. Takes lots of space. Delicious, pale yellow pulp flesh. Can be stored and is great for cooking.

    Starting: Sow indoors one month before the last expected spring frost. Plant 3 seeds in one pot. Can also be sown directly one week after frost. Depth of 2.5cm(1”) and 0.9-1.2 (3-4' ) apart. Row spacing 2m (6'). Germinates in 7-10 days. Likes well-draining soil and full direct sun.

    Growing: Thin to the strongest plant in the pot before transplanting. Transplant one week after the last frost. Remove blooms that appear in the mid/late summer, this way all nutrients go towards the fruit already on the vines. Avoid getting water on the leaves.

    Harvesting: Mature in 70-75 days. Reaches a height of 30cm (12”). Once the stems dry and the skin gets very hard, it’s time to harvest. Harvest before the last frost with a sharp knife and leave of 5-7cm (2-3”) of stem on the fruit. Let the stem dry out some more in a dry location. If planning to store, do not wash.

    Seed Saving: Once the stem of the squash dries, the seeds are mature. Cut squash and take out pulp and seeds. Put it in a bowl of water and carefully separate the seeds and pulp. Keep only the seeds that sink. Lay out and let dry for 2-3 weeks.

    Companion Planting: Plant with: pumpkin, corn, radish, peas, beans.

    Don’t plant with: potatoes, cabbage, broccoli, or kohlrabi.

  • Tomato – Large Red Cherry

    Perfect ingredient for any soup, stew, or salad. Delicious and juicy when eaten raw. Vigorous vines produce vivid, red tomatoes. Uniform in size and perfect for any garden. Disease resistant.

    Starting: Sow indoors in March or April at a depth of 0.6cm (0.25”) deep and 2.5cm(1”) apart. . Germinates in 7-10 days. Once the threat of frost is passed, transplant outside in June. However, make sure to harden before transplanting by slowly adjusting them outside the environment. Cover with soil up to the lowest leaves. Plant seedlings in bright sunlight, under full sun.. Plant spacing 60cm (24”), and row spacing 90cm (36”).

    Growing: Grows 1.5-2m (4-6’) high. Mature in 65-8days. Needs a trellis/cage/stake. Hydrate every 2-3 days and avoid getting the leaves wet.

    Harvesting: When ripe, the tomatoes have a bit of give (softness) when gently squeezed. Pick all tomatoes before the frost comes. If there are still unripe tomatoes on the plants, bring the whole plant inside and hand upside down in a dry location, tomatoes will continue to ripen.

    Seed Saving: Pick mature tomatoes and cut them in half. Squeeze the seeds and pulp in a bowl. Let it ferment for a couple of days. Once mold forms, remove and separate seeds. Rince in a strainer under running water then let dry out in indirect sun.

    Companion Planting: Plant with: Basi, asparagus, mint, onion, squash, sage.

    Don’t plant with: Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, or potatoes.

  • Radish - Cherry Belle

    Very fast growing. Sweet and crispy white pulp. A fantastic vegetable for any garden. A great addition to any salad.

    Starting: Sow as soon as soil can be worked, radishes like cool weather. Sow direct 1.2cm (0.5”) deep approximately 4 weeks prior to the last frost in the spring. Leave 5-10cm (2-4”) between seeds. Row spacing 30cm (12”). Germination 5 to 7 days. Likes well-draining, well-worked soil; full direct sun. For a second harvest in the fall, plant 2 months prior to the first fall frost.

    Growing: Thin the seedlings 5-8cm (2-3”) apart. For continuous harvest, plant every two weeks except midsummer (radishes don’t tolerate hot weather).

    Harvesting: Mature in 21-27 days! Grows 15-20cm (6-8”) high. Harvest when 2.5cm (1”) in diameter. Pull out of the soil and wash.

    Seed Saving: Isolate from other varieties so cross-pollination can be avoided. Let the plant mature fully and wait until it produces a stalk. After flowering, pods will form. Wait until pods turn brown. Remove the pods and let them dry for up to one week. Remove seeds and keep them in a dry and cool place.

    Companion Planting: Plant with: Cucumber, spinach, oregano, and lettuce.

    Don’t plant with Broccoli, Agastache, or potato.
